Monday, 4 July 2011

... Why People Laugh During Hideous Scenes Where A Poor Innocent Man Is Killed Brutally By A Bloodthirsty Psycho

I have a toothache so I'm gonna keep this short.

Horror movies have been able to provide entertainment for a significant portion of the population. They usually contain gory scenes, twisted characters, sudden actions and blood or pain (lots of it). I am not a fan of horror movies, therefore my knowledge about them is rather limited. However, I do understand that its entertainment derives from the factors of shock, thrill and the feeling that you're so much better off than the person who is suffering in the movie. It reminds us that our lives are not that ridiculous and we are fortunate. I personally don't find any joy in watching horrors but just because I don't enjoy them doesn't mean I discourage others to do so.

However what I don't understand, nor will I ever encourage, is why people laugh during these kind of movies. I mean, yeah sometimes the "horror" is more funny than it is scary - it's fine to laugh at that, but what's so funny about some person whose arm is chopped off by a blunt knife? (I actually don't want to list out anymore examples because I don't want to go there). There's nothing funny about it. You don't laugh when someone gets murdered nor do you laugh when someone's arm or head gets cut off, just so the robber can get their handbag (sadly, these actions are based on true stories). The only reasons you'd probably laugh at these events are due to mental issues or because you're a severe sadist (I say severe because usually it's just love of pain, instead of death)

Even if you're a sadist, I don't understand why you'd laugh at the scene out loud, especially when people are around you. Doesn't that draw all the attention to you and cause questioning on your behaviour? I just don't believe that being a sadist is something to be proud of, so there's not really a reason for you to express that side of yourself like that.


  1. Sorry to hear about your toothache bro, hope you're all good by next semester :)

    My theory on horror films is that people go to test their courage, a lot of girls and young teenagers compare how scary each of them are to show how resilient they are at sitting through them. Maybe laughing is a coping mechanism? Try and lighten the mood or distraction to make it easier to watch? Also could be a bluff to prove they aren't phased by what they're seeing, with atypical remarks such as 'oh, I've seen way worse, this is just lame' attributed. Just some guesses, I don't watch horror either ;)

  2. because most of the time it's physically inaccurate and so outrageous that it would never happen in real life?

    i have honestly yet to see a good horror movie tho. im not chicken enough to get a thrill from the scariness and otherwise there's no redeeming qualities.
