Monday, 29 August 2011

...Why Vegetarians Eat Vegetarian Meat Even When They Don't Like Killing Animals For Food.

We all have our own tastes and preferences. Some of us like sweet, some of us like sour. Some of us like light, some of us like salty. Some of us like it fried, some of us like it grilled. There are so many different choices out there. And as expected, some of us like meat while some others don't. People usually choose to be vegetarians because they either dislike the taste of meat, the idea that it had come from an once-living animal, or because of cultural or religious purposes (or even for just plain health reasons). And because vegetables cannot provide all the daily nutrients human require, it's just perfectly logical to use vegetarian ingredients, such as soy products, to create food that is high in protein.

But why do some of these products end up being vegetarian meat? There are two things that seem rather odd:

1. If you're vegetarian by choice, and dislike the taste of real meat, why would you eat something that is made to taste like it then? It's like saying "I'll just cut down on my sugar intake and drink some aloe vera juice with fructose instead." - therefore, these meats should only be targeted at the remaining vegetarians.

But 2. If you're a vegetarian by choice, and dislike the idea of killing animals for meat, why would you eat something that imitates it? I quote from David, "IT'S OK. I'M ONLY PRETENDING TO KILL THIS COW". If you can make tofu and what not into "sausages" or "chicken", surely you can make it taste like something else other than meat. Why would you want to envision eating meat when you're against it in the first place?

I guess people with the other two reasons are exempt from this question - they eat things that mimic meat to satisfy their craving of real meat since they can't have any due to beliefs or healthy determination. But why the two groups mentioned above eat these vegetarian meats is beyond me. Especially the second group.

It's just the concept that is beyond me. It's a rather irrelevant topic, considering how little people it actually affects but you know me - don't really care about numbers. I have nothing against vegetarians. It's just odd to me that's all. 

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