We all understand that procrastination is, well, a bitch. It is one of the things that everyone ends up doing. You know, we've all been there - you open up the browser to research for your assignment and before you know it, you've commented on three statuses, stalked seven of your friends' friends and moved up six ranks in Tetris on Facebook, bought some t-shirts online and taught yourself Spanish via YouTube videos (with the occasional video in between of some person failing and hurting themselves). The things we do just to not have to do that god-awful assignment or -insert equally painful thing here-. Heck, I'm doing it right now - I've got things in front of me to colour in and yet I'm typing this.
In my defense, this is a weekly thing so I want to get it done - although I'm rather overly excited about colouring in! (Don't judge me).
A little procrastination is normal. We all need breaks and distractions to make a study/work session more tolerable. But why would you keep putting something off till like one or two days before it is due? You get stressed, you don't sleep, you panic and you end up doing things in a rush. This isn't a cooking competition - your assignment doesn't need to be hot and sizzling when you hand it in. Nor is this the sprints - you don't get more points for finishing your assignment in the shortest amount of time. You're given the question or topic in advance for a reason and that is to give you sufficient time to complete it.
If you think about it, the logical option would be to complete your assignment and then relax afterwards, knowing that you're all done. If that's too difficult then your other option would be to do a set amount of work and that way when you do end up procrastinating, you won't feel as bad. Furthermore, finishing early would also give you the time to review what you have done and see if you can make it any better. I personally cannot really enjoy anything knowing that there is an assignment looming over my head or when I haven't done as much as I would have liked. I don't think you would like to miss out on your sleep and pull all-nighters so why not just spread the work-load out? Time management is the key and it's probably a good time to start effectively using it.
Yeah, I'm done with my procrastinating. Time to colour in some boxes!
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