I know. I'm sorry. That must have been extremely painful to read - it was just as painful to type out as well. From a quick glance, I don't even know what it says. Sadly, there are people who type and talk like that. Like seriously. Why can't you just write normally?
The first thing I don't get is why people alternate their capital letters and their lower-case letters, for instance (I apologise in advance this time): Yo bRo wAts Up DIs weEknd? Those random big letters just make it so much harder to read. And what do they actually mean? Are we suppose to read it as if you emphasised on every capital letter? You don't talk like that in real life (oh I'm sorry, I mean "irl") so it is completely unnecessary here.
The second thing is what is with the shortcuts and the missing letters (let's just use that previous example because I really can't be bothered (oh I'm sorry again, I mean "cbb") to put myself through that pain again. I mean, yes, it is very convenient to just miss out letters when you're in a hurry to text or whatever but there's no need for you to take out a letter from each word. Misinterpretation might occur - "I love this track, makes me want to groove" turns into "I lv ths trck mks m wnt 2 grv" (you know, the comma disappears since no one cares about those either), which may potentially turn into "I live thus truck mikes my wont 2 grave" (No, it's not meant to make sense). Confusing? I think so. It's like Chinese Whispers. Except not fun and rather infuriating.
And even if you use 3's, @'s and 1's to substitute for e's, a's and i's respectively, what is the point? You spent just as long trying to type those symbols and numbers than you would have if you just used the normal letter. It doesn't look cool. It looks retarded (refer to title of post).
And finally, what is with all these abbreviations and acronyms? I understand that text language is efficient and some of them are quite straight forward, for example "lol" and "brb" (please, do not say these in person, that's just sad). But what the hell are stuff like NIMBY and NSFW? Who the hell goes around saying "Not In My Backyard!" and "Not Safe For Work"? And do they really need to be abbreviated? Have people become that lazy? If everything was like that, TIHNIWTHPATTD. (If you didn't get that acronym, it stood for Then I Have No Idea What The Hell People Are Thinking These Days. Obviously I didn't need to tell you. It must have been really simple to understand.)
And no, there is no need for you to put "lol" in every sentence - "I just had breakfast lol" and "my dog just died lol". Was having breakfast, or even your dog dying, that funny?
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